SmokinClove's (mainly) CSS Nonsense

Hello World

July 09, 2019

Hello World!

I finally get started on working on my website/blog…

Better late than never, right?

Hello, I am a female developer based in Singapore. I mainly work on front end, and currently explore CSS as a tool for drawing. Here are my social media links: Github - my handle is derived from the Smoking Clover - a computer visual hack by Bill Gosper


Twitter - my Twitter handle is an outlier from the rest, it is derived from a quote from Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke): ボクは、影だ

Personal (not really) Diary - i do actually have an existing blog where i write whatever i feel, my interactions with people, and sometimes, my goals. I usually consider it an online diary rather than a blog.

Soundcloud - i actually was actively making music as a hobby for a few years, and beside this account i also made another one for lyrical songs. Although i have faced a songwriter’s block for about 2-3 years now, i do hope to get back to developing music with my newfound programming knowledge. Oh, and if you are interested in helping to sing the lyrics for my songs please contact me ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ Pity this poor woman having to belt out her songs like a duck.


SmokinClove, currently lives in Singapore. Her Twitter handle is inspired by a quote by Kuroko Tetsuya from Kuroko no Basuke: "I am a shadow"